Sunday, August 23, 2020

The Marvel Super Babies


Here goes Marvel Nursery for The Super Marvel Babies!

Here is a “Marvel Babies Banner”

Made a following banner from my Super Mavel Babies characters.
And now I have my own Marvel Babies Mug!! 

Feel free to download above banner and use it to make your own personalized “The Super Marvel Babies” Mug! 

Friday, July 24, 2020

Toucan in the Rainforest

Dimensions- 8” X 11”
Medium - Pastel Colors
Description -  Toucans are tropical species. 
They lives in the Amazon Rainforest. 
This Toucan also lives in the rain forest and eats fruits. 
In the Amazon jungles, it’s very common to rain frequently. 
I wonder how this Toucan keeps himself dry?
does he stays in trees, while it rains or 
As I imagine he wears a Hat? 🙂